Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring Break

A couple of weeks ago, we drove down to San Luis Obispo. We stayed with my parents, Grandma & Papa, and got to visit with Uncle Josh and Aunt Stephanie and Natalie, who just turned ONE! One of the highlights of our trip was going to the Atascadero Zoo. The kids just loved seeing all the animals! Afterwards was lunch at In N Out- always a welcome treat! Here are some photos from the zoo~ enjoy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Getting back to it

...hey, it's only been 10 months, but this mama is ready to start blogging again. Yeah, facebook is great. I like being able to catch up with my friends and family fast, but sometimes I want to be able to share more than just a few words. With those who want to partake, anyway. Welcome to our blog!